Manager's Message
Dipesh Karki
Deputy General Manager
Kumari Saving & Credit Co-Operative Ltd. (KUSCCOOP) is the urban community based single purpose saving & credit (credit union) financial Co-Operative institution, which support the members for their common, economic, social and cultural upliftment following with the international cooperative, norms, values, principles, and Co-Operative rules, and regulations of Nepal. We committed to design the product & services according to member needs, willingness and also we provide financial & non financial service through five branches office (Member Service Centres).
As the responsibility of Deputy General Manager, I committed to all members, Board of directors, sub-committees, my colleague and management team to lead the institution implementing of legislation, law and order of Nepal, principal values and norms of international Co-Operative movements to frame good governance that results, self motivation and high productivity of its institution and staffs. As the result our member get excellent and competitive first choice financial service that replies Kumari Saving and credit co-operative ltd. (KUSCCOOP) is excellent, sound safe, secured & sustainable financial institution and community and our member's.
As the Deputy General Manager, I ensure you to play leading role to develop the ownership feeling of all the members. I committed to provide transparent, unique and first choice co-operative services for our members.
I ensure that management is able to overcome all the present and upcoming challenges to provide first choice, excellent, safe, sound, secured financial services for our members.
I would like to thank our entire member's, Board of Director's, Account Supervisory Committee, Sub-Committees, Department of Co-Operative Bagmati province, Co-Operative Department of Nepal, NEFSCUN, National Co-Operative development association and ACCU, WOCCU and ICA for their continued, encourage, support and Co-Operation for management team and the staffs for innovated, self motivated, responsible, excitement for their duties, and responsibilities.
Best Regards,
Dipesh Karki
Deputy General Manager